A Happily Married Couple Experiencing the Joys of Everyday Life

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Da Vinci Code

While I am typically hesitant to run out and read or watch the latest best selling book or blockbuster movie, as a pastor now I do feel a certain responsibility to be aware of what people in our church and community are exposed to.

With the release of the Da Vinci Code movie this week the buzz has definitely increased regarding the claims this book/movie makes and their apparent attacks on the Christian faith. Knowing that this was coming, I decided to read the book and I anticipate eventually watching the movie. I am not typically a fiction reader, but I did find myself surprisingly entertained (it helped that I had the illustrated version). It is a very engaging story, but it definitely does present ideas that are both contradictory and confrontational with Biblical teaching.

That being the case, I have not personally found myself to be too bent out of shape by it knowing that it is fictional. However, I have done quite a bit of research in order to clarify my position and to be ready to participate in intelligent conversation with others who have read the book, seen the movie, or have questions regarding the story’s claims. Not wanting to write a book on this blog in defense of my faith, I have simply included some links below that provide some of the articles I found helpful in my research. If you have questions that are not addressed in the articles or need more clarification, leave me a comment on this blog and I will do what I can to help.







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