A Happily Married Couple Experiencing the Joys of Everyday Life

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Somebody remind me...

Somebody remind me why having a daughter who is pregnant makes someone unfit to be vice president. The media is enough to make my head explode!

Posted by ShoZu


Blogger Loving Our Homeschool said...

It has absolutely NOTHING to do with being president! I keep going back and forth as to whether I want to blog about that or not.

Out-of-wedlock pregnancies are just very obvious sins to see, you know? So then everyone thinks they can throw in their two cents worth. But if her daughter was having pre-marital sex but not pregnant, nobody would say a thing b/c it wouldn't be so out there. Well, unless she flaunted herself around like some of the young actresses in Hollywood do.

8:37 PM

Blogger Kathy (Pearson) Troyer said...

I agree. What does her teenage daughter have to do with her qualifications??? I am confident their family has gone through some difficult days and it is a shame they have to be drug through the media mud.

No human is perfect and lots of people make mistakes. Big mistakes. But thankfully our heavenly Father is full of mercy and grace.

I am so relieved that this young mother has chosen not to end the life of her baby. Knowing that she has the love and support of her family speaks volumes to me. We can preach and holler "pro-life" but this family appears to be living it.

Thanks for the forum to speak out!

9:47 PM


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