A Happily Married Couple Experiencing the Joys of Everyday Life

Monday, February 04, 2008

Happy Birthday Natalie!!

Today we celebrated my beautiful wife's birthday. We celebrated last night with her family by eating at the new restaurant in town, Granite City Food and Brewery. It was delicious...the food was great and there was plenty. We enjoyed some birthday cake back at the house, and Natalie got her traditional birthday spankings from her parents and siblings (they were easier on her this year since she's a mommy-to-be).

The two of us celebrated together tonight by going out to eat at one of our favorite restaurants that we only go to every couple of years...Eddie Merlot's. We each enjoyed filet mignon, bread, garlic mashed potatoes, and creme brulee. It was amazing!!

Happy Birthday Natalie!! God willing, next year we'll be celebrating with three of us instead of two!!


Blogger Kelly said...

i love Eddie Merlot's!!!!! congrats on the pregnancy. :)

11:26 PM

Blogger Kati said...

Nan, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We were unfortunately, playing a little bit of phone tag. :-( I hope all is going well with you, Tyler and your special one on the way. Just for the record, I am calling, "girl." Love you guys!


10:45 AM

Blogger Kati said...

Nan, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We were unfortunately, playing a little bit of phone tag. :-( I hope all is going well with you, Tyler and your special one on the way. Just for the record, I am calling, "girl." Love you guys!


10:49 AM


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